I Promise to Love and Laugh

What makes a great party?

Friends, family, delicious food and drinks, stylish atmosphere, spectacular gifts for everyone and laughter. We are entering into bridal and wedding shower season and even though we call them showers, they are great parties. With fun a priority we are here to help make all of them a success.

Have you been given the task of planning the event for the bride or couple? 

I style wedding showers, bridal showers, bachelorette and engagement parties with a process that makes your job easier.

Once you have the shower or party location chosen, we can either talk by phone {541}-241-2216 or in person at Arrange (924 North Brooks Street) and decide on the style together. Styling the location would include items like local flower arrangements, pillows, throws, table settings, framed picture memories, and small gift sets for attendees. Gift sets would be tailored depending on the type of shower or party. For example, a bachelorette party gift set may include tequila shot sets, barware and cocktail recipe books.  In the case of a spa weekend, we would design gift sets to include homemade soaps, lotions and perfumes from local makers. As we get closer to the date of the shower or party, we would lock down the details and timing.

Are you the lucky couple?

We offer registries for weddings and bridal showers. Our process is simple. Call or stop by the store and we can make this an easy and fun process. Take a look at what we have to offer.

Bridal registry: Includes gifts to pamper, handmade soaps, lotions, candles, perfumes, (all from local makers) recipe books, gardening books, and kitchen accessories.

Wedding registry: Includes options for table settings, flatware, hand crafted ceramics, bedding, lighting, throws, pillows and honeymoon gift sets.

Let’s get started!

Email me here or give me a call at the store - 541-241-2216


View our relaxing gift videos below.

Suzanne MoltArrange